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- Film scanning
- The old fashond way to get your ART into the Computer. Our scanner is professional grade and produces excellent results from your professionally created film transparencies. 4x5 inch or larger film is the perfered size. 120 (or 21/4 size) is sometimes good enough. When reproducing paintings, 35mm usually is too small for professional results. All film scans include up to 15 minutes of retouching or dust spotting, aditional 15 minute chunks are $14.00 each. It seems that no matter how well a piece of film is cleaned , there is always some dust spotting required. Keep in mind that old or dirty or scratched transparencies may require extensive dust spotting/retouching. The scan price quoted below includes writing to a CD of finished digital file. If you order a "Edition" 12 Print Run or greater from your digital file, then we will also keep a copy of your image on CD with the "Master Proof" for rapid recall and reorder.
- Premium Film Scan $75.00
- Super premium Film Scan $135.00
- Use "super" for images larger than 24x36.
- File size is larger than 200 megabytes.